Dr. Simon
PhD in biotechnology. Sharing insights about health, nutrition, vitamin D, permaculture, and COVID madness.
Governmental Health Advice:
1. Take a potentially harmful experimental drug against a virus that most likely won't pose any danger to you.
2. Wear harmful masks.
3. Isolate yourself from your family and friends.
4. Stop visiting the gym or your sports club.
5. Neither go too much outside nor go on holidays; i.e. avoid vitamin D synthesis.
6. Prescribe a handful of drugs that will never really make you healthy but follow the principle of end-of-pipe solutions instead.
Dr. Simon's Health Advice:
1. Ensure you eat healthily and supplement smartly (magnesium, zinc, melatonin, etc.). Grow your own food if possible.
2. Expose yourself to the sun for at least 30 minutes daily, covering your body as little as possible.
3. Exercise every day. Get in shape with cardio and strength sports.
4. Give up on drugs (especially regular alcohol consumption) and sleep at least 8 hours per night.
5. Have a rich social life. Enjoy the reality with friends and limit (social) media consumption to 1-2 hours per day.
6. Get off statin drugs.
I'm convinced that my method would have prevented millions of deaths. We shouldn't forget which global and national players are responsible for the waste of this vast number of healthy life years.