Hackers crack Pfizer, Moderna and Pfizer servers! All vaccine death data now public from all companies thanks to hackers!
GOOD NEWS!!!! Hackers broke into all pharmaceutical companies and thankfully stole all medial data on vaccines!!!! The Great Awakening has begun!!! Share this link everywhere!!!!
** Shows the number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/batch. Number = indicates relative toxicity of one batch/batch compared to another reactions (up to x50). Until we know, it is best to be cautious
**["Batch code" = "batch number" = the number that appears on your immunization record].
Here is the link to the website where you can see the live links below. Download and save all items in case the site goes down!!!
Check your batch code (lot number).
Check your batch code (batch number)
- Moderna batch codes
- Pfizer batch codes
- Janssen batch codes
- Moderna (outside the USA)
- Pfizer (outside the USA)
- Janssen (outside USA)
Latest info on boosters
- Bad batches of the month
Variation in toxicity
- Cumulative toxicity over time PDF
- VIDEO : Variation of toxicity between batches
- Death by lottery PDF
- VIDEO : Non-GMP batches associated with death and disability.
- VIDEO : Team Enigma - Variability of Covid Vax
- VIDEO : VAERS reveals super toxic batches.
Do batch codes code for toxicity?
- Moderna's 20A-21A toxicity classification for Covid vaccines PDF
- Moderna: Alphabetical labeling of various toxicities PDF
- Pfizer: Alphabetical labeling of various toxicities PDF
- VIDEO: Do Pfizer batch numbers code for toxicity part 1?
- VIDEO: Coding Pfizer batch numbers for toxicity part 2?
- VIDEO: Do Moderna batch numbers code for toxicity?
VAERS database
- Covid Science Library
- Doctors talk about VAERS
Data source
- All data are from VAERS, a public database of over 700,000 adverse event reports for Moderna, Pfizer, and Janssen-Covid 19 vaccines in the United States. Our intent is to present the VAERS data in an accessible and unbiased form that can be easily reviewed using the following links
- Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
- Video Tutorial 1: Extracting erroneous batch data from VAERS - deaths, disabilities, hospitalizations.